Monday 9 September 2013

Subject: Confessions of a Jewish mother 

Dear God,
Please forgive me because I have sinned! I have spent a year not being a very nice person and more importantly a good Jew. This Yom Kippur I am not only seeking forgiveness for breaking at least some of the commandments but I am also guilty of not being there for anyone quite enough.
You see God, I had a conversation with a mother today who has just changed her career. She was stressing about the ways it was affecting her children. "I'm not always there when they get home from school she complained... They are arguing with me about about what they have for dinner and when I ask them what they did at school today they shrug and say nothing. If I was at home I would be ale to put dinner on the table each night and meet them at the school gates. I worry that things are passing me by and I am not on it as I once was" my response was, I hope reassuring; "you are setting your daughter a wonderful example" I responded. "You weren't happy in your career so you changed it. You're showing them that they can do anything if they work hard and you're showing them that life for mothers doesn't start and end with their children. But do I really believe what I was saying or was I telling myself that to make myself feel better? After all God, I am a working mother. I went back to work when my youngest was only five months old. I went away to Prague for the weekend when my kids had chicken pox. I frequently miss my sons gymnastics lessons. So here is my confession; I don't really believe what I told this mother... I think she is letting her children down, just like I am. Thank goodness, it is Yom Kippur and I can ask for forgiveness from you god; for failing my children, for not being made in your image and for letting you down 
Yours faithfully 
A guilt ridden Jewish mother 

Subject: confessions 

 Dear Guilt ridden Jewish mother, 

When I created men I did so in my image. I saw what I had created and it was good! However, so many people stop reading there and they strive to be created in God's image but to be honest that is where they sometimes fail. Carry on reading the book of Genesis and it's so much better than anything currently on TV. There's drama, bloodshed, sibling rivalry, broken promises, natural disasters, deceit and even hints of incest. When I created man I did so in my image but even I make mistakes and am not perfect! 
When you have children you are bound my Jewish law to circumcise your sons and to pass on Jewish values. You are even obligated to teach them how to swim (at least that what the Talmud says which was written by some of my learned followers). Nowhere in Jewish law does it command you to see your child do a headstand at gymnastics or to meet them at the school gate everyday without fail or even make a delicious home cooked meal each night. You are commanded to pass on the traditions that you hold dear, to set a good dugma (example) and to love and protect them. You can do that by teaching them independence and a degree of self- reliance. Yom Kippur is a time of reflection and seeking forgiveness but it isn't a time of setting unrealistic goals. You are a working mother. Accept it and move on. Use Yom Kippur as an opportunity to think about how you can make the time you have as a family even more precious, think about what you can do with them to make every minute count. Stop checking your emails when your'e not at work. Focus on them when you are with them and ensure they learn how to swim; give them the tools to live safely and securely and love them.
If this fails, I'll speak to you next Kol Nidrei 